Monday, January 11, 2010

Monday Monday Monday

Neil had a routine appointment today (they take his vitals, do bloodwork and make sure he's ready on chemo Fridays) and he was fine. We had been a little concerned because he has had night sweats, which is a "B" symptom of Hodgkin's and can change the staging, but since he doesn't have anymore activity, Dr. Mehta said not to give it a second thought. His counts were okay, which he was worried about too. He just feels tired and down but it's tough to tell if he is catching something or if the chemo is affecting him. Dr. says everything is fine and to take it easy.

Had a relaxing weekend with Nate and Stacia. On Friday, we were both so exhausted that we went to dinner right after work and then went home, read and fell asleep around 9:00! On a Friday night!!! The next day we headed to Hillsboro and it was soooo nice. We haven't been anywhere overnight for three months, which might not sound like that big of a deal, but when you think of the fact that we usually go somewhere every single weekend, the change has been shocking. We went to lunch, hung out and watched the game (so sad) and then watched movies and ordered pizza. It was like old times without the beer!

On Sunday, we came back to meet my dad so he could install the garage door opener. We had put it off because Neil hadn't been feeling well but he felt ok and decided it needed to get done. Before, we had to go out to the garage, open the door, back out, and then one of us had to go back in the garage, close it manually, go back in the house and out the back door, then lock that and go to the car. What a pain! So this morning was MUCH nicer.

He overdid it a little yesterday with getting the opener installed, so he wasn't feeling 100% and went home today after his appointment.

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