Thursday, February 11, 2010


A friend recently told Neil that radiation would be ok, because hey--it worked for Spiderman :-)

Neil saw the radiologist today and he told him 17-20 days max, each session 15 minutes, 30-36 Gy. He starts Monday the 22nd and will do it only on weekdays. Dr. said he looked good, all organs were ok and that this should be pretty easy. I 'm asking today if I can alter my work schedule to come in after his sessions so I can drive him. They can get him in at 7:30 a.m. and it would take only 15 minutes so I'd be at work just a half hour to an hour later than usual and just work later.

They said he will have some lung scar tissue as a result but that it's nothing that will interfere with normal life.

Thanks everyone for your thoughts and prayers! We're in the home stretch!

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